Lightworkers Notes for 2010
a message from Christina Lunden
Tuesday, 1 December, 2009 (posted 3 December, 2009)
Well, it’s the end of a crazy “we have to hurry up to slow down” year. If you think this year was weird, wait until 2010. For this month’s message, I am going to share with you some insight into what I am being told is coming up in 2010 and how to prepare for it.
The first six months of 2010 are going to be relatively quiet. That means things are going to progress as they have been; some delays in manifesting, some sudden manifestations but all the while an increase in spiritual abilities and confidence in who we are as spiritual human beings. Most of the increasing spiritual connections will be unrecognizable until the latter half of the year when we will be more actively relying on them. I say it will be “relatively quiet” because it is relative to what happens to you. As a whole, many will continue to watch as things happen across the state or the world. But if you are the one that is in the town that a tornado hits or city that floods or area that is without electricity, you will not agree that it was a relatively quiet period as your life is primarily affected.
During these first six months, we would suggest that you concentrate on your spiritual connections. Spend time discerning where you are receiving information from. If you are still talking to the same Angels that you were years ago, there should have been a change by now. And if you are consciously ascending, your source of guidance will constantly be changing with each step you reach as you will be able to reach higher spiritual realms. (We suggest in your connecting prayer to add that you are calling forth “the highest” of whomever it is you are requesting to connect to. By doing so, if you have reached a new level, you will automatically reach up to get even higher guidance than before.) If you are receiving any incorrect answers, check and double-check yourself to see what happened. Perhaps, it was in the way you asked the question. Did you ask a question in a way that would allow two different outcomes? You must be clear when you ask Spirit questions so they can get you a clear answer. Perhaps it was the energy you were in at the time you asked the question. Think about what you were doing when you asked the question. Are you having trouble receiving an answer or knowing if you got one? You could tell Spirit to give your answers in such a clear way that you cannot miss them. Then remember to pay attention.
Walk like the spiritual human being you are. Invite Spirit in to every aspect of your life. When something happens in your daily life, turn to Spirit first before trying to logically come up with an answer. Use your healing abilities, even for little things like bruises. Notice how long the bruise takes to go away when you heal it vs. when you don’t. Teach your children how to heal themselves. When my children would hurt each other, I would make them sit in the bedroom to heal whatever they hurt on the other child. They would laugh at me (and each other) but both of them came out of the bedroom without bumps, cuts or bruises. My children never heard that they couldn’t do it so it was easier and we made it to be like a game. Everyone has this ability to some extent. Yes, everyone. You don’t need to know a specific healing procedure; you just have to believe you can do it. How will you know if you don’t try? Our suggestion is to practice now; it may come in handy later in the year.
The suggestion is to use this final resting period to hone your spiritual abilities. We are warming up our spiritual muscles so that when we call on them later, they will know what to do without much effort. For in the latter six months, when things get turned upside down…literally in some places, it can make it more difficult to hear from Spirit because of several things; Earth’s energy disruptions, emotions and confidence level of the person trying to spiritually connect. Take care of the things you can control now. Your emotions are something you can start working on. Here’s a recent example about me. My husband is a deputy sheriff and every day I have known that I need to be complete with him every single time he walks out that door in uniform. (Actually, I do this with every person, regardless of their age, job, etc.) He has a dangerous job. Sometimes even by just giving someone a traffic ticket he can stumble upon a terrorist or a felon that doesn’t want to go back to jail, who would think nothing of murdering him. So when I heard that in Washington this week four officers were murdered in a coffee shop, if I was walking as just a human being, that would upset me and make me more clingy to my husband and I would be praying all kinds of protection over him.
However, I am not a human being. I am a spiritual human being. I am aware of what happened and am following the crime in the news. But it has not moved me emotionally. From the many times I have talked with Souls who have crossed over; some murdered, some suicides, most through natural deaths, not one Soul has ever complained to me that there was a mistake and they shouldn’t be there. I believe what I have been told and shown by Spirit that we choose our deaths… that we choose the way and the date and time we die. So there is no reason for me to get upset at choices being made on the Earthplane. I could get upset and emotional and worry that the amount of officers being killed in the line of duty are increasing every year. Then that would bring my energy down closer to the Earthplane and lower my spiritual connection. What good does that serve? Does my worry help those who are crossed over or their families? No. Will it prevent my husband from leaving on his choice of date and time? No. Does it serve the people who I help in private sessions to be less spiritually connected? No. Worry is entirely a waste of time in every situation. If something is going to happen, it will happen whether you worry about it or not. But most things that we worry about never happen at all. Just think back in your own life about the things that you have worried about. How many of those things actually came to pass? From where we are in the timeline of Earth’s Ascension, it is best for us to be carrying the highest spiritual energy that we can for as much of each day as we can.
So if something happens to the town you grew up in or your neighbor down the street, or even a family member as a spiritual human being, it is best that you stay in your highest energy and respect each Soul’s choices. We can do so much more for this world we live in by staying in our strength, *light* and power.
The other thing you can control is your confidence level. How do you get confidence in your spiritual abilities? Use them! Try different things. If you are used to only receiving feelings instead of hearing things; ask to hear. And then listen! If you have never healed anything or anyone, try it! Be open that at this time, everything is possible if only you believe. Many people are now spontaneously opening up new abilities.
For the latter half of 2010, you will see massive amounts of changes on the Earth. If you are not capable of maintaining a spiritual balance by then, it will be hard to find your footing. We are going to have to watch as Earth is changing to adjust to the 5th Dimensional energy and as such there will be earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, floods, etc. Because of Soul choices, there will also be an increase in worldwide terror attacks, some taking place in the USA. Most have been averted in the USA but this will not be the case in the coming year.
Another suggestion is that if you always take a vacation at a certain time of year, and that happens to be in the last six months of 2010, pray about it before you make your plans. Make sure your Angels want you to go wherever you are going. Make sure you will be able to get to wherever you want to go. Don’t just assume that because every year in the past you have done something that this year will be the same. For many, this is the year that changes everything. With your strong spiritual connection, you will be in the right place at the right time. Someone is asking the question, “What if they go on their vacation and they weren’t supposed to be there and they died?” That won’t happen. No death is unplanned. You would be saved somehow, some way if it was not your time to cross over. But you might be physically hurt for the rest of your life and have to deal with that when it wasn’t necessary.
We are carrying more of our Soul than at any other time in the history of the three cycles of Earth. With that, we are more responsible with what we do with our lives. Be the spiritual human being you came to be. Connect daily to Spirit in whatever way you choose. Utilize those spiritual muscles. See what kind of spiritual connection works best for you. Test yourself in emotional situations, see how to be calm and not be moved by what you see, hear or know. We are stronger and can help others more if we walk as spiritual human beings. We will then be in the right place at the right time to serve and help Souls who make those other choices. I believe we are walking into the most amazing time in our history. It’s not going to be easy but with the tools, knowledge and understanding we have been given, we will make it through this Ascension and the Earth will be a better place for all.
You are never alone,
Copyright 2010 © Christina Lunden ~ Creator Mediator, Inc. All rights reserved. Although these messages are copyrighted, you are invited to share them, send them to friends, add to your newsletter, post on your blog, etc. including the Source:
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